25 years, 25 Years, 25 YEARS! – that is impressive, but where the bloody hell did it go? AMAZING to think that Hygienic Process Equipment Ltd is 25 years old; we’ve weathered three recessions, maintained steady growth, built a knowledgeable and experienced workforce, have a strong balance sheet and we’re looking to the next 25 [...]
21st century process engineering
CHALLENGE and change is something I thrive on – just as well because working in 21st century process engineering there is plenty of it. The biggest challenges facing our customers are manufacturing downtime caused by a lack of technical backup prior to installation of equipment AND a shortage of know how once it has been [...]
THREE misconceptions
PROGRESSIVE, Diverse, Egalitarian. Not normally words you associate with a 25 year old engineering company in the heart of West Yorkshire, but all three apply to HpE Process Ltd which celebrates its silver anniversary this year. People are more likely to view such a company as old school, male dominated and stuck in the mud, [...]